Grandmasters use ChessBase because they can do 30-40 times as much chess in an hour with it as without it. GMs have 40 hours a week to spend on chess; the closest most of us will ever come to a 40-hour chess week is two hours and ChessBase. Regular price: $475.00 Sale price: $398.00 |  $299.99 |  Grandmasters use ChessBase because they can do 30-40 times as much chess in an hour with it as without it. GMs have 40 hours a week to spend on chess; the closest most of us will ever come to a 40-hour chess week is two hours and ChessBase. Regular price: $210.00 Sale price: $189.00 |
 Chess Assistant 7.1 is the unique tool for managing chess games and databases, playing chess on the ICC, viewing electronic texts in CA or PGN format, studying openings, analyzing games, or playing chess against the computer. About 10.000 new games per month to be downloaded for free via the Internet on our servers for all purchasers at their conveninence! $120.00 |  More than 3 million games, all featuring ECO codes * more than 78,000 of them annotated * more than 4,300 opening surveys * access to the games with a big opening key * 349 special theory databases * big tree of all games for quick overview and statistics * Comes complete with ChessBase 9 Reader allowing you to use this as a standalone program (i.e requiring the user to own no other chess software). Can also be used in conjunction with Fritz/Shredder/Junior/Hiarcs or with ChessBase 9 (for fuyll functionality). $134.95 |  $100.00 |
 FRITZ ENDGAME TURBO The Fritz Endgame Turbo contains four database CDs with Nalimov tablebases. With the help of the Endgame Turbo, endgames with five or less pieces will be played dramatically better, since the programs can use the Endgame Turbo in their search. System requirements: The Endgame Turbo works together with Fritz8, Fritz7, Fritz6, Nimzo 8, Nimzo7.32, Junior7, Junior6, Hiarcs7.32 and as analysis engine in ChessBase 8.0 and ChessBase 7.0. Available in the following languages: English and German. Regular price: $55.00 Sale price: $50.00 |  Jump into chess action, move by move, to rescue Chess from Deep within King Black’s castle. Join Fritz and Bianca in a thrilling chess adventure as they enter rooms of the castle, where each challenge will help you sharpen skills and prepare for the ultimate showdown. $45.00 |  the dvd endgame turbo consists of 9 dvds with endgame databases (nalimov tablebases). with the help of the endgame turbo, all fi ve- and 12 six-piece endgames (including the sophisticated and practice-oriented endgame r, p, p - r) are played with absolute perfection. likewise, fritz handles endgames with more than six pieces much better since the program can already access the endgame knowledge during the analysis. definitely a must-have for correspondence players, endgame theoreticians and friends of engine matches. Regular price: $55.00 Sale price: $43.98 |
 Like none of the other products, Fritz, Junior, Shredder, or even ChessBase itself, Fritz and Chesster is one that can recruit new players to the game. $38.00 |  Study up on your tactics in the convenient Chess Base learning environment. Great for boosting your chess rating up to that next level. $29.95 |  Realizing the necessity of making yourself familiar with endgames, you will soon be confronted with a problem: where to start and where to finish? There is an abundance of material and in reference books like the Cheron or Averbahk, the real basic endings are hard to find among the many exceptional positions. But who tells you what is a must-know and what is only special knowledge for professionals? The answer is: the "ABC of Endgames". With a total number of 176 treated endgames, the material on the CD is definitely manageable. Besides, 29 examples are pointed out studying which is considered as indispensable. Whether "Lucena-positions", "impotent couple" or practical hints for the surprisingly frequent endgame "rook + bishop vs. rook" - all these standard examples are including in the small survey. And for those wishing to deepen their knowledge even more, there are database texts introducing the respective type of endgame with the possibility to immediately call up the relevant examples. Available in the following languages: English and German. $29.95 |
 Gary Gauthier explains all the basics themes with the help of selected master games. The games are annotated and explained in a way that makes it possible for even the rank amateur to follow, while graphic commentary enables you to grasp the main ideas at a glance. The sections on strategy and tactics lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of the Middlegame. In a training database you can check your progress by solving practical positions and scoring points for successful attempts. Each chapter has a video clip with an introduction by GM Daniel King. $29.00 |